Reception 2024 - 2025
Miss Gill
Hello and welcome to Reception at St. John's Church of England Primary School!
My name is Miss Gill and I am teaching the Reception Class this year. I have a BA Hons in Early Childhood Studies and QTS in Early Years and Primary Education.
In Reception we will have lots of fun and I am excited to take the children on a wonderful learning journey. My aim as their teacher is to ensure that children leave school with great skills for life and happy memories shared by all.
About us
At St John's, we have a rich and exciting Early Years Curriculum that ensures all of the children at our school develop a JOY of living and learning. We believe that it is vital for young children to learn through play and exploration and we do this through a balance of carefully planned independent learning opportunities and adult directed activities both inside and outside the classroom. Nurture is also a strength that we pride ourselves on and all adults get to know each child in Reception very well. Our key person system, adds another layer of support for each child and we get to know your child and their individual interests and can plan for their next steps to ensure progress is always made. We also form a key partnership with our school families and enjoy sharing our class achievements regularly.
Our topic this half term is ‘Amazing Animals!’
In English we will be looking at fiction and non-fiction texts and will be creating our own fact files. In Maths we will be continuing with number looking at number bonds to 10 and addition using ‘part part whole’ we will also be comparing size and mass. In Science we are looking at plants and animals. In Phonics we will be continuing with Phase 2 and Phase 3. We will also be continuing with cursive handwriting. Reception are excited for our new topic!
Key Information
Teacher: Miss Gill
Teaching Assistants: Miss Alty, Mrs Jacks, Mrs Hawthorn
The children will take part in structured daily phonics sessions for half an hour each day. If you would like to check how to pronounce some of the phonemes we have been learning in phonics, please click on the link below. This will take you to our phonics scheme, 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds' parents' page. Scroll down to see three different videos for our phases.
There are also lots of additional opportunities for reading throughout our day for your child to take part in.
This term your child will bring home 3 books, one which will be matched to your child's phonics stage, guided reading book and one shared book that is for you to read and enjoy with your child. Please encourage your child to read at home to promot a love for reading. Don't forget to sign your reading record!
Thank you for all of your continued support!
Reception's book change day: Thursday/ Friday
Please see below for top tips for supporting your child with reading at home!
P.E Day
Reception P.E day is Tuesday. Children can come into school dressed in their P.E kit. Children can wear dark joggers or leggings if the weather is cold as well as pumps or trainers. Children also need to wear either their school jumper or cardigan.
In Reception we enjoy a healthy daily snack. If you would like your child to have a snack during the morning the cost is £12 per term.
Other information
Below in 'files' are important documents for you to read and explore that will tell you about Reception in St John's.
To support your child's learning at home you may find the following websites useful: