Year 4 2024 - 2025

Miss Halsall

Welcome to the Year 4 Class Page

In Year 4, we are learning to be more independent with our learning!


Class Teacher: Miss Halsall

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Heaven and Miss Wareing


This terms learning: 

Our values for this term are: Respect and Thankfulness. 

This term our learning is History focused. We will be learning about the Anglo Saxons. about the invasions of the Scots and Anglo-Saxons in the 5th century. We will find out where the invading troops came from and where in Britain they managed to settle and then we will go on to investigate how life in Britain changed as a result.

In English we will be writing our own stories based on the story of Arthur and the Golden Rope!

In Art we will be looking at how we can create art in different environments – sculpture! We will explore local and famous sculptures and design and make our own!

Our Science learning is all about animals including humans where we will be exploring how animals and humans need to get nutrition from what they eat. We will look at the different organs of the digestive system in humans and the functions of teeth in both humans and animals.

Our RE learning will be focusing on Hinduism and we will continue looking at the topic of Family and Relationships in PSHE.


P.E is on Tuesdays with Emma Caunce - please come to school in your PE kit! Please see the uniform list for the appropriate kit that will be needed. Trainers are allowed to be worn. Don't forget to remove/cover any jewellery (including watches -and earrings) and make sure your hair is tied up if it is long.


SWIMMING is now on Thursdays for 10 weeks. Please remember your kit on this day - costumes and trunks (not baggy), towel, swimming hat and googles if you wish! Mrs Comstive and Mrs Patterson take the children swimming. NO EARRINGS PLEASE!


Homework : Reading, Spellings and Timestables 

Reading - you should aim to read at least 3 times per week - this is the minimum expectation! Reading records will be checked on a Friday and will need to be signed by an adult. 


Spellings - ~Year 4 have weekly spelling lists that are sent home at the start of each half term and spelling tests will be on a Friday. Please also practice Common Exception Words too – see files below for the list!


TimesTables - It is really important for Year 4 to practise their times table as they should be working towards knowing up to 12 x 12. Year 4 should continue to access Times Tables Rockstars. The children will be having weekly slots in the Computer room using this programme and they will also have in-class sessions to improve their accuracy and speed when using the keyboard. Children can access TT Rockstars from home from a computer or an iPad/tablet. All they need is their login details which are stuck inside their reading records. If they don't have them, please see Miss Halsall.


Please follow this link to find out about the Year 4 Multiplication Table Check (MTC):



Class Novel :   Beowulf




Files to Download

Year 4: JOY items

Our New Pupil Voice Team, by Mr Thomson

Harvest Festival, by Mr Thomson

Football Fever, by Mr Thomson

Year 4: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display