Collective Worship at St. John's


As part of the Church of England family, we seek to meet the needs of all children, wherever they may be on their journey of faith and belief.

Collective worship is the unique heartbeat of our school and offers the children the opportunity to encounter faith by engaging in conversations about God both individually and together. We work in close partnership with our Church and wider community to ensure our programme of Collective Worship is filled with J.O.Y.

Collective worship gives pupils and school staff the opportunity to:

  • Engage in an act of communityExpress praise and thanksgiving to God

  • Be still and reflect

  • Explore the big questions of life and respond to national events

  • Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness

  • Reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ

  • Affirm Christian values and attitudes

  • Share each other's joys and challenges

  • Celebrate special times in the Christian calendar

    An act of Collective Worship takes place every day and is an integral part of school life, making space for pupils and staff to come together and share in worship through learning, music, reflection and prayer. Our worship is invitational, inclusive and inspirational, giving all of the school community the chance to be part of the experience, while respecting the integrity of family and cultural backgrounds.

Monday - Whole school worship led by Mrs Thomas

Tuesday - Class Worship using Picture News

Wednesday - Sing Time led by Ms Hudson, Miss Gill and Miss Halsall

Thursday - various

Friday - Celebration Assembly led by Mr Thomson

During particular times in the Christian Calendar there will be changes to the above structure. Additionally the children will attend church for special services and Christian festivals.

Each half term, pupils from Years 2 - 6, experience Eucharist together led by Reverend Rebecca and Mrs Corbett. We alternate between our school and Church throughout the year.

Who is involved?

Mrs Thomas coordinates our Collective Worship timetable in her role as R.E and Collective Worship Lead. We regularly welcome special visitors to lead or contribute to Worship. Mrs Corbett regaularly contibutes to Worship and Tabz and Hetty from Southport Youth Workers Trust visit regularly to lead Worship and workshops. We have also been delighted to welcome The Salvation Army Brass Band who have visited regularly to entertain us!

Worship Warriors

Every child in Year 5 has the oppoirtunity to become a Worship Warrior during the year should they choose. Each half term a team plan their own Worship based upon our current Value and then deliver their Act to the rest of school and their families who are invited. Their Worship is planned in response to our half-termly 'Little People, Big Dreams' Worship where Mr Thomson introduces our school to a famous person who has demonstrated one of our core values.

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Worship Warriors - trust.jpg

Little People, Big Dreams

This beautiful series of books by Isabel Sanchez Vigara introduces children to the lives of people who have changed our World. Inventors, scientists, sportspeople, singers, dancers and more; the books remind us all that the people who shape our World were all young once like us and that - with hard work and inspiration - we could be the future world-changers.

We currently have around 100 of the books in this series located in the bookshelf outside Mr Thomson's and children regularly come to help themselves to a book from their series to enjoy!

Mr Thomson has introduced children to some of the following:

Respect - King Charles

Thankfulness - Neil Armstrong

Compassion - Prince, Mother Teresa, Elton John,

Truthfulness - Lenny Henry, David Attenborough,

Trust - Michael Jordan, Michelle Obama, Maya Angelou

Responsibility - Greta Thunberg

Click here to head to the Little People, Big Dreams website