Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Preston

Ms Hudson

Ms Hudson, Mrs Preston, Mrs Collantes, Ms Halsall, Miss Jones, Mrs Barton, Mrs Lawson and Miss Hitchcock (Wow! Huge list!) would like to wish you a warm welcome to Year 2! 

Our PSHE this term is all about Economic Wellbeing and we will be looking at the difference between wants and needs and how to save our money safely. In RE we are learning about what Jesus was like as a leader and what makes a good leader in different groups and organisations in our society.

In English, we are using the ‘Read to Write’ scheme.  Our text is ‘The King Who Banned the Dark’ by Emily Haworth- Booth. We will be focusing on writing a persuasive letter to the King!

In Maths, we are focusing on direction and data handling as well as consolidating the topics we have studied so far, broadening the children’s knowledge and applying their skills to investigations. It would be really helpful if you could work on telling the time with your child, specifically on an analogue clock.

We alternate between history and geography each half term. This half term, we will be continuing with history and we are looking at the history of flight.

Science is completed every week and we are learning about ‘Living things and their habitats’ and discovering things in our local environment which are living, dead and have never been alive. We will also look at food chains and discover animals get their food, how they are linked by what they eat and how animals depend on each other to survive.

ICT is also taught weekly and are exploring ‘Creating Pictures’ using impressionism, pointillist Art, Piet Mondrain and William Morris as stimuli. You will find our computer rules in order to keep us safe, on the website.

In music this half term, we will be listening to and appraising different genres of music based around the theme of ‘friendship’. The children will be encouraged to find and demonstrate the pulse and rhythm of different songs as well as accompanying them and continuing to learn the recorder.

Our PE lessons will be on Tuesday with Mr Wilmott. Please come into school in your PE kit. Don't forget to remove/cover any jewellery (including earrings) and make sure your hair is tied up if it is long.

Reading books are changed on Tuesdays. Please read at least 3 times a week and sign the yellow log book. There is no need to leave a comment but thank you to those that do.

Spellings are sent home on Fridays and tested on the following Thursday. Please continue to practise common exception words at home.


Thanks for your support and please contact us on Class Dojo or speak to us with any problems.



Files to Download

Year 2: JOY items

Schools Awards Part 1, by Mr Thomson

Easter Service in Church, by Mr Thomson

Easter Crafts, by Mr Thomson

Year 2: Gallery items