Our School Values
At St. John's Church of England Primary School, we believe it is important to develop core Christian values in order to develop a moral and spiritual awareness. Values are the things we believe in that help us to make decisions about how to behave. They are the principles that guide our lives.
Values Education is not just something that helps you to learn when you are younger; it is a set of tools that you will carry with you all your life. To feel valued is a special thing and something we want to make sure everyone experiences at St.John's C.E Primary School.
In 2016 we involved our whole school family in choosing our core Values at St. John's and these are ever present in our school lives with each of our 6 values being a specific focus each half term. At the start of each year, we re-visit our values as a whole school family and EVERY child takes home a special craft to help share our values at home. We were delighted to feature in Our Parish's online magazine....